Thank you for reading The Forgotten Choice!

The Forgotten Choice Book

If you’re visiting this page, it’s likely because you’ve read The Forgotten Choice, and you have a story to share about how choosing the Joy of Possibility over fear has positively impacted your life. Thank you sincerely, and I look forward to hearing all about it!

I know others will be inspired by your story, too. By sharing your own personal JOP experience, you will positively impact so many other people who may have found themselves in a similar situation as you did before you remembered this powerful choice. Thank you in advance for the generous gift you are offering.

While you’re at it, I’d also love to hear what key message from The Forgotten Choice most resonated with you?

Share your story

Before you share your own testimony to the power of the Joy of Possibility, I wanted to mention a couple of points:

  • I am honored that you would consider sharing your story, and I fully respect your privacy. Your name will NOT be used without your permission.
  • In your story, please note that if you share names of people, companies, and other identifying characteristics, we will change them, if your story is published.

Thank you for your story submission and for sharing your JOP journey! I wish you wide-open success as you continue to experience all that the Joy of Possibility brings.

All the best,

Brenda Bence Signature

Shift Your Inner Mindset, Shape Your Outer World

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