Client Testimonials

What Clients Say About Brenda

Here’s what a few clients have said about Brenda’s Executive Leadership Coaching, Keynote Speaking Services, and Speaking Programs.

Contact Brenda today to become the author of your own success story.

“Honestly, if I hadn’t gone through coaching with Brenda, I probably wouldn’t still be with my company. The work Brenda and I did together gave me a different view of how the organization works and how I fit into it—a clearer perspective that I didn’t have before. I now understand myself a lot more and know how to work better with others. And I don’t think I would have arrived there without her help. This new knowledge has helped springboard my career, and I am now being slated by my company for much bigger roles.

Over the years, I’ve had lots of different coaching sessions, reviews, and assessments with others, but Brenda’s sessions exceeded my expectations. I will definitely recommend Brenda as a coach. I think some of our key people would benefit immensely from her expertise. And Brenda’s coaching taught me how to be a better coach myself.”

APAC Managing Partner

Cloud Services – Global Consulting Firm

“Brenda’s coaching definitely exceeded my expectations, and I would recommend Brenda as a coach to anyone, anytime.”

Chief Investment Officer (CIO)

Global Investment Company

“The session today was GREAT, and I wanted to pass along my very positive feedback.  The content was terrific, but Brenda AND the way she facilitated was perfect from a learning design perspective.  I’m taking some of her interactions back to my team. ☺”

Heather Karimi, Associate VP, Talent Development & Performance, Global Talent


“We continue to receive rave reviews from your event. Thank you for creating a presentation that was relevant and inspiring to this audience!”
Kimberly K. Rath

Young Presidents Organization

“The most useful course in years. A colleague said to me before the course, ‘I am already trained,’ and this program would be more of the same. How wrong he was!”
James Findlay


“One of the best sessions I have ever attended! We are actively implementing the practical tactics we gained from your program.”
Maggie Leng

Abbott Nutrition International

Brenda has been trusted by dozens of the world’s most recognized companies.

Contact Brenda today to learn more about how she has helped these companies—and how you, too, can benefit from her guidance and years of experience.

Trusted by Many of the World’s Most Recognized Companies

client logos

Here is a list of industries Brenda has served

  • Accounting & Auditing Services
  • Advertising/Communications
  • Agriculture
  • Airlines
  • Architecture
  • Automotive
  • Banking
  • Brokerage
  • Building & Construction
  • Building & Home Materials
  • Chemicals
  • Commercial Banking
  • Consulting
  • Consumer Goods
  • Defense
  • Energy
  • Engineering
  • Entertainment
  • Entrepreneurial Start Ups
  • Executive Search
  • Eye Care
  • Finance
  • Financial Advisory
  • Financial Rating Services
  • Financial Services
  • Food & Beverage
  • Food Science
  • Government
  • Healthcare
  • Hospitals
  • Hospitality
  • Industrial Products/Services
  • Information Security
  • Information Services
  • Insurance
  • Internet Hosting
  • Investment Banking
  • Investment Management
  • Legal
  • Logistics
  • Manufacturing/Packaging
  • Media
  • Medical
  • Mobile Services
  • Nutritional Products
  • Oil & Gas
  • Outplacement
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Photography Services
  • Professional Membership Organizations
  • Professional Services
  • Property Development
  • Property & Security Care
  • Public Relations
  • Real Estate
  • Recruitment
  • Retail
  • Security Services
  • Shipping
  • Software Development
  • Surgery Technology
  • Services/Products
  • Technology Development
  • Telecommunications
  • Tourism
  • Training & Education
  • Transportation
  • Transportation Services
  • Universities/Higher Education
  • Wealth Management
  • Wholesale Banking
  • Accounting & Auditing Services
  • Advertising/Communications
  • Agriculture
  • Airlines
  • Architecture
  • Automotive
  • Banking
  • Brokerage
  • Building & Construction
  • Building & Home Materials
  • Chemicals
  • Commercial Banking
  • Consulting
  • Consumer Goods
  • Defense
  • Energy
  • Engineering
  • Entertainment
  • Entrepreneurial Start Ups
  • Executive Search
  • Eye Care
  • Finance
  • Financial Advisory
  • Financial Rating Services
  • Financial Services
  • Food & Beverage
  • Food Science
  • Government
  • Healthcare
  • Hospitals
  • Hospitality
  • Industrial Products/Services
  • Information Security
  • Information Services
  • Insurance
  • Internet Hosting
  • Investment Banking
  • Investment Management
  • Legal
  • Logistics
  • Manufacturing/Packaging
  • Media
  • Medical
  • Mobile Services
  • Nutritional Products
  • Oil & Gas
  • Outplacement
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Photography Services
  • Professional Membership Organizations
  • Professional Services
  • Property Development
  • Property & Security Care
  • Public Relations
  • Real Estate
  • Recruitment
  • Retail
  • Security Services
  • Shipping
  • Software Development
  • Surgery Technology
  • Services/Products
  • Technology Development
  • Telecommunications
  • Tourism
  • Training & Education
  • Transportation
  • Transportation Services
  • Universities/Higher Education
  • Wealth Management
  • Wholesale Banking

For engaging, interactive speaking programs learn about Brenda’s Speaking Program Services>

Would You Want paperback book

Would You Want To Work For YOU™?

How to build an Executive Leadership Brand that inspires loyalty and drives employee performance. Learn More >

Leading You Book

Leading YOU™

The most important form of leadership is self-leadership. Embrace these top 15 behaviors to lead yourself better and achieve greater success. Learn More >

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