Brenda’s Blog

A Surprising Antidote for Fear During Times of Turmoil

February 18, 2020

In the midst of today’s world—in the face of the ongoing Coronavirus (COVID-19) and so much uncertainty—it’s easy to fall into a place of fear. After all, 24 hours a day, the media is sharing with us the horrifying details of how tens of thousands of people all across the world are being negatively impacting, both at work and at home. My heartfelt empathy goes out to everyone who has been affected by what is happening today.

It’s not unusual to fall into fear when something so “unknown” rears its head, and I don’t want to dismiss the realities of what people are facing. At the same time, I’d like to challenge us all to think about this in a slightly different way.

“You want me to embrace what in the face of fear?”

In my years of coaching clients who are experiencing high levels of stress, fear, and anxiety, there is one surprising yet guaranteed antidote to help during times of turmoil: be grateful.

“How could I possibly be grateful at this moment in time?” That is not an unusual response when going through rough patches.

But, whenever anything arises in life that causes you angst, or anxiety, I encourage you to pause and remember one thing: there are numerous things to be grateful for, even though it may not seem so at the time.

To give you a sense of what I mean, watch this short video, below, and then let me know what you think.

In my upcoming book—The Forgotten Choice—I’ll be sharing much more about fear, the role it plays for us in life and at work, and the best solution for getting out of fear. Stay tuned as I look forward to sharing more in upcoming blog posts.

In the meantime, the next time you see someone who’s on the front lines of what’s going on in the world today, putting themselves in harm’s way for the greater good, I encourage you to pause and take a moment to thank them for their efforts.

Stay safe, stay grateful, and I wish you good health throughout the rest of this year –

Here’s to YOU™!



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