Brenda’s Blog

Managing Remotely: Our One-Year Experiment

September 30, 2024

I often hear from corporate clients that they’re struggling to get workers back to the office. Many employees want the flexibility of working remotely, and some are even turning down jobs that don’t offer this option. At the core of this concern from employers seems to be a belief that remote work isn’t as effective.

I wanted to test this out, so one year ago, the team and I—nearly all of whom work remotely—decided to tackle this challenge head-on. We wanted to develop a system that not only boosts productivity but also fosters collaboration and community. Here’s where we landed what we are doing – we would love your feedback!
🕘 Start of Day (S.O.D.) Lists by 9:30 a.m.
Each team member sends their intention/plan for the day, broken down into two parts:
– TOT (Trains on the Track): Essential, business-as-usual tasks that keep everything running smoothly.
– Projects: Work that advances key or special projects.
We cc: all team members, ensuring everyone stays in the loop on overlapping projects. This also creates a built-in accountability system.
📝 End of Day (E.O.D.) Summary
At the end of the day, each member sends a summary of their achievements based on their morning objectives: “What was completed and what—if anything—needs to be shifted to tomorrow?”
This simple daily routine has proven to have both functional and emotional benefits:
– We stay focused, productive, and structured.
– It drives trust and collaboration, keeping us connected, while creating a positive team dynamic.
– Emotionally, making progress against plans offers a nice dopamine hit, reduces the feeling of being overwhelmed, builds momentum, and enhances well-being.
💬 After one year of using this system, we met today to discuss how it is going. All in all, we agreed our productivity is higher than ever – and spirits seem to be high, too 😉.
I’m curious what you think… What do you see as the benefits and challenges to this arrangement? I would love to hear your thoughts!


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