Key Questions for Interviews

Brenda is Available to Educate and Entertain Your Audiences on the Following Topics

Would YOU Want to Work for YOU? Simple Tips for How to Lead Others Effectively

Leaders who reach the top of their professions have mastered the people side of the equation. With that in mind, Brenda challenges listeners to answer the question, “Would YOU want to work for YOU?” She shares tips, tools, and fascinating real-world case studies from her years as an executive coach to demonstrate how to become the kind of leader others would be honored to follow.

Personal Branding for Greater Success on the Job

Based on the same brand marketing methods that mega brands use, Brenda will share her unique proven personal branding system with your audience to help them craft and communicate “The Trademarked YOU™” for greater success on the job and in their careers.

Using Personal Branding for Greater Job Search Success

Brenda will enlighten your audience about how to define and communicate a “job-seeker personal brand” that can help land the best possible job on fast timing. Includes the most common job-seeker mistakes to avoid based on dozens of interviews with HR professionals all around the globe.

Personal Brand Blunders and Bloopers to Avoid

In a fun and engaging “quiz” format, Brenda shares with listeners the most common ‘at-work’ pitfalls and traps to avoid in order to keep their careers on track. Specialized quizzes for Leaders, Women, Entrepreneurs, Educators, and Administrative Assistants.

International Blunders and Bloopers

Brenda shares hilarious blunders and bloopers, real-life stories amassed from living overseas in diverse cultures for more than 25 years. Brenda will keep your audience laughing, learning … and inspired.

For Business Audiences Specifically

Powerhouse Brand Building for Your Company and Products

Brenda knows that great brands don’t get to be great brands by accident! She’ll let your audience in on trade secrets for growing a powerhouse brand that truly breaks through the clutter and sets itself up for continuous growth.

Smarter Branding Without Breaking the Bank

Business owners often say they can’t market effectively because they don’t have enough money, people, time, etc. Let Brenda Bence share with your audiences the five assets that every company already has that can be used immediately to build any business for low cost or no cost at all.

The Top Branding Mistakes Companies Make

When growing a business, every error you make means money out of your pocket. So, why not learn ahead of time which pitfalls to avoid? Let Brenda Bence share her list of the most common branding mistakes that companies make.

Would You Want paperback book

Would You Want To Work For YOU™?

How to build an Executive Leadership Brand that inspires loyalty and drives employee performance. Learn More >

Leading You Book

Leading YOU™

The most important form of leadership is self-leadership. Embrace these top 15 behaviors to lead yourself better and achieve greater success. Learn More >

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