The power of being succinct: When asked what time it is, don’t explain how the clock works.
Our company is hiring, and I recently interviewed several candidates for a role. While most applicants provided clear and concise answers, some took a roundabout approach, making it harder to get to the core of what they meant.
Have you experienced this in the workplace, too—not just in interviews? Whether you’re speaking with a colleague, a client, or your boss, clarity and brevity matter.
Over-explaining can weaken your message. It can:
Dilute your impact
Confuse your audience
Undermine your leadership brand
Want to strengthen your brand as a leader? Answer the question, clearly and concisely.
One strategy I use with verbal-processor clients is to gamify it: I challenge them to answer a question in one sentence made up of a maximum of 10 words. Try it!
What’s the best tip you’ve learned for answering questions concisely?