Brenda’s Blog

Brenda Bence to Be Featured on Cover of The Woman’s Advantage 2011 Calendar

October 7, 2010

Entrepreneur’s Advice Presented in Woman’s Advantage Shared Wisdom Calendar

Brenda Bence, Founder and President of Brand Development Associates (BDA) International, Ltd, was selected from 5,000 submissions to be featured in the 2011 Woman’s Advantage Calendar. The calendar provides advice from influential women leaders across the US and Canada.

Mary Cantando, Growth Expert of The Woman’s Advantage, recently announced that, for the third year in a row, Brenda Bence’s advice will be included in the calendar which was released in early October, and this year Brenda will also be featured on the calendar’s cover.

“Brenda Bence’s quote was selected because it was powerful yet easy to understand. Her idea is relevant to almost everyone in business today,” says Cantando. “Business owners and those who dream of starting a business will learn so much from the advice provided by Brenda Bence and the other successful women quoted in the calendar.”

The Woman’s Advantage 2011 Calendar will provide sound bites of advice on key business issues including: organization, promotion, sales, marketing, and human resources. While the quotes are from female entrepreneurs like Bence, the advice is relevant and valuable to business people of either gender.

To view the calendar and place an order, visit

About Brenda S. Bence:

Brenda Bence is an internationally-recognized branding expert, certified executive coach, dynamic speaker and author of the award-winning How YOU™ Are Like Shampoo series of personal branding books. With an MBA from Harvard Business School, her 25-year career has included developing mega brands for Fortune 100 companies across four continents and 50 countries. As President of BDA Int’l, Brenda now travels the world speaking, training, and coaching individuals and corporations to greater success through creative yet practical corporate and personal brand development.

For more information, please visit or


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