Brenda’s Blog

Customer Do’s and Don’ts

January 29, 2009

Here are a few “Do’s and Don’ts” to follow as you learn to craft and master your own customer-centric personal brand:

  • DO: Take the time you really need to thoroughly define your desired personal brand. If you don’t know what you want to stand for, it’s 100% guaranteed your customers don’t either.
  • DON’T: Assume your personal brand is doing “just fine.” You’ll never know how your own brand is really doing until you take proactive action to find out.
  • DO: Ask customers as often as you can to tell you about your strengths and your weaknesses. Be open to their feedback – you may be surprised by what you hear.
  • DON’T: Only focus on feedback you want to hear … sometimes, the toughest responses to listen to are those that can make the biggest difference in the success of your personal brand.
  • DO: Learn about body language. You will find out how comfortable customers are with you, and you’ll also discover if you are projecting an image to your customers that isn’t really “you.”
  • DON’T: Assume body language isn’t an issue for you. Not sure? Find a way to videotape yourself as you approach and/or work with a customer. It’s an eye-opening experience!
  • DO: Create a short memorable “sound byte” that encapsulates your desired personal brand. Keep it top of mind while you are speaking to an existing or new customer. You’ll be more likely to act according to that desired personal brand if you do.
  • DON’T: Believe that building a successful personal brand only involves what you do that can be seen and heard. Truth is: Your thoughts and the way you perceive yourself as a customer-focused individual will have a significant influence on the ultimate success and outcome of the personal brand you communicate.

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