Brenda’s Blog

I Asked . . . You Answered! 2010’s Biggest Corporate and Personal Brand Winners and Losers Survey Results

January 13, 2011

In late December, I asked our online community to vote on the Biggest Corporate and Personal Brand Winners and Losers. Which company and individual brands fared the best and which took a dive?

Here’s what you said:

Biggest Corporate Brand Winners:

• Apple (89%) vs. Samsung (11%)
• Facebook (82%), Twitter (12%), Google (6%), and LinkedIn (0%)
• iPhone (82%) vs. Blackberry (18%)

Biggest Personal Brand Winners:

• Sarah Pailin (53%) vs. Barack Obama (47%) – a close one!
• Lady Gaga (76%), Miley Cyrus (12%), and Taylor Swift (12%)
• Oprah Winfrey (89%) vs. Larry King (11%)

Biggest Country Brand Winner:

• China (88%) vs. India (12%)

Biggest Corporate Brand Loser:

• BP (76%) vs. Toyota (24%)

Biggest Personal Brand Loser:

• Tiger Woods (95%) [ouch!] vs. Charlie Sheen (5%)

Of those brands whose dollar value decreased dramatically this year, which one also earned the distinction of the biggest brand “image” loser?

• Goldman Sachs (82%)
• Google (6%)
• Nokia (6%)
• Sony (6%)
• Dell (0%)
• Adobe (0%)

Looking to the future… Any prediction as to which brands will be the biggest winners and losers in 2011? Let me know what you think!

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