The Most Important Meetings of Your Workday: “Mini-Me-Meetings” 🗓️
As someone who coaches busy executives of large corporations, one of the biggest complaints I regularly hear is the lack of time. ⏰
To tackle this, I suggest the client track how they spend their day. For one full week – from Monday morning to Sunday night – my clients will use a time log to track their activities every 15 minutes, from the moment they wake up until the moment they go to bed. (Inevitably, I’m told that just doing this exercise itself is an eye-opening, “ah-ha” experience!)
The time log is then analyzed and categorized, color-coding activities like meetings, travel, emails, family time, social time, self-care time, etc. Can you guess the category that shows up the most frequently on busy execs’ time logs?
Executives are running from one meeting to the next to the next, back-to-back-to-back, all day long. It becomes very clear why busy leaders sense they lack time!
So, I like to introduce clients to what I call “Mini-Me-Meetings” – short but productive meetings which are held with only one person in attendance: themselves.
What is a “Mini-Me-Meeting”? 🤔
Five minutes before a meeting, you hold your first Mini-Me-Meeting:
➡️ Get centered.
➡️ Clarify in your mind the objective of the upcoming meeting.
➡️ Align yourself with what success looks like – what do you want to achieve by the end of the meeting?
➡️ Know the measurement for that success and how you will gauge it.
➡️ Remind yourself how you want to “be” during this meeting.
Now you’re ready for the meeting with others. ✅
After the meeting is over, your second mini-me meeting takes place:
➡️ Get centered.
➡️ Reflect: To what extent did the meeting achieve its objective?
➡️ Check the measurement for success – how well did it stand up to your expectations?
➡️ How were you “being” during this meeting – did you lead yourself the way you wanted to?
➡️ Note any agreed-to next steps and/or who needs to be aware of those; communicate those key points to others.
Then, it’s time to prepare for your next meeting with another “Mini-Me-Meeting.” 🔄
These Mini-Me-Meetings only take a few minutes, and when you incorporate them consistently throughout your day, they help you stay centered, focused, aligned, and productive – even in the middle of a back-to-back day.
Have you tried “Mini-Me Meetings”? How do you ensure you stay productive and centered throughout a full-on workday? Share your tips below! 👇