In the past two weeks, three C-Suite executives I coach each shared a common topic: Their children, all recent university graduates, are about to start their first jobs. Ironically, each executive asked me the same question: “What advice would you offer my child as they begin their career?”
This was a tricky one! After all, I could probably offer 100 pieces of advice for this critical stage in life. But which one would be the most impactful?
After some reflection, I decided on this: “Run your own race.”
One of the executives asked me to share more. “You see, too often in our lives and in our careers, we compare ourselves to others to decide if we are doing ‘well’ or not.”
The exec nodded, “I hear you – my son has already told me he feels a lot of peer pressure.”
I nodded back. “I encourage fresh grads to avoid comparing themselves to others. Why? Because comparison is the mother of self-doubt. Instead, when we focus on our own path, we grow at our own pace, gain confidence, and find genuine satisfaction in what we achieve.”
That was the advice I shared… so I’m genuinely curious: What suggestion would YOU give to a recent graduate starting out their career today? I’d love to hear, and I hope you’ll share your advice below!