Brenda’s Blog

Sharing a special day . . .

January 14, 2010

I have some exciting news to share! I submitted a quote, and it got selected to be featured in the Woman’s Advantage 2010 Shared Wisdom Calendar.

Today – January 15, 2010 – is the day that “my” quote will appear on the page-a-day calendar.

The reason I wanted to share this news in particular is because the quote I submitted and that was selected for this year’s calendar holds a very special place in my heart. You see, my father – who passed away 6 years ago – often recited these words to me throughout my life and, even now, this phrase continues to have an impact on me.

So here it is! I hope these words bring you as much inspiration as they have for me over the years….

“There’s always room for the best at the top. It’s your job to get there.”

Visit the upper right hand corner of the home page of today (January 15, 2010) to read the quote. Then, visit the site daily to view a new, inspirational quote from the Woman’s Advantage Calendar. I really enjoy reading advice from so many dynamic woman – and I hope you will, too!

All the best to you –
Brenda Bence

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