Years ago, when my niece Niki was still developing her vocabulary, she fell and scraped her knee. After a fit of tears and an examination of the wound, Niki turned to her mother and, with a quivering lip, pronounced, “I need some pig stuff!”
Perplexed, her mother asked, “What do you mean by ‘pig stuff?'”
“You know,” Niki responded, “that pig stuff… oink-ment!”
As I sat down to write this blog post, I thought about that story. I get a feeling the whole world could use a bit of “oink-ment” right now, as we collectively try to find our way through these unprecedented, unsettling times.
Throughout these past weeks and months of the global COVID-19 pandemic and unrest and violence in many countries, I’ve been coaching executives from all around the globe, and I’ve noticed common trends and challenges they are experiencing.
As a result of that, I created a series of videos in which I share several simple yet impactful tips that can be implemented immediately, to help you, your family, and your teams thrive during this experience, not just “survive.”
I hope you will find these helpful – that they will serve as a little bit of “oink-ment” for us all.
What do you do when nobody knows what to do? How to lead yourself and others successfully, during times of uncertainty

Over the past weeks and months, I’ve been running webinars/virtual presentations to help clients’ companies and their leadership teams manage effectively through the myriad of unprecedented events that are unfolding across the planet.
At the start of each presentation, I pose a simple question to all participants: “What is one word you would use to describe the biggest challenge you are facing right now?” Attendees type in their answers, and there has been one word which has received the most responses by far during each and every single session. Can you guess what that word is?
That makes sense. In the modern world, no one has ever been through anything like what we are currently experiencing.
In life – and as leaders – we usually rely on experiences from the past to make plans for the future. But, what approach do you take when something completely unprecedented shows up on your doorstep? When there is no experience to fall back on and there is no clear indication of what is coming?
In essence, what do you do when nobody knows what to do?
I suspect no one will have “the” definitive answers to such a profound question. But I can share with you some tips and tools my clients are implementing which have helped them move forward into this vast unknown.
Below are links to a video series I’ve created that provides some answers to the key questions many of us are asking. In these short-length videos, I share several hints, tips, and tools that can be used immediately to succeed in times of uncertainty.
Here are links to YouTube videos with more hints, tips, and tools:
How to Inspire Others during Challenging Times: “How do I address the sense of uncertainty among team members, when the future is so unclear?”
- Inspiring Leadership: How to Thrive in the Midst of Uncertainty (Introduction)
- A powerful tip to keep your team members productive in the face of uncertainty
- The most impactful way to communicate during a crisis
- Embrace this fascinating paradox to calm team members’ anxiety during tough times
- A key skill your team members want you to demonstrate during a crisis
How to Master Virtual Connections: “How do I make meaningful connections with clients and keep business growing, while working remotely?”
- Overcome the virtual mental barrier
- Make the best impact possible even if you’re remote
- Why using video isn’t always the best choice for connecting remotely
- How to create a virtual social life
- How to help clients during times of uncertainty
Inspiring Self-Leadership during Challenging Times: “How do I stay productive and focused as I move into this ‘new ab-normal?'”
- One of the most important actions you can take when you’re in a state of uncertainty
- Start your day with this, and you will be sure to achieve your goals
- Don’t neglect these critical “forgotten” meetings when working remotely!
- How to take control of your WFH environment and stay productive
I hope you found these videos to be helpful as you navigate our new “ab-normal.”