Brenda’s Blog

What does “Brand Thailand” stand for now?

April 11, 2009

As many of you know, my husband Daniel and I have been living in Bangkok for the past 9+ years.  What you may not know is how very much we love it here!  It’s a wonderful place to live and work… the people, the weather, the food, the diverse countryside, the traditions, the culture… we thoroughly enjoy calling Bangkok our “home.”

During the last 2-3 of those years, a lot of events have taken place here in Thailand that have brought the country to the front page of international news – but not necessarily in a positive way.

Events like the political coup in 2006, the subsequent ousting of ex-Prime Minister Thaksin, the changes in government leadership, the take-over and shut down of the airport in December 2008, and now the postponement of the ASEAN Summit in Pattaya to assure the safety of attending country leaders (according to the front page of the newspapers today).

I’d like to hear what you think…  Have these events impacted what the “Thailand Brand” stands for?  What are your impressions of Thailand given all of the events that have happened in these past recent years?  Is the “Brand” of Thailand still the same as it has always been?  Or, have these events changed the way you perceive, think, and feel about our beloved Land of Smiles?

I look forward to hearing from YOU(tm)!

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1 Comment

  1. Cesar Balota

    Dear Brenda

    Thailand Brand hasn’t changed much for me. I’m a grizzled old traveller and have seen enough not to be fazed by a few coloured shirts.

    My comment though is that the “brand” has obviously taken a negative turn with many of my colleagues. I am having a hard time holding a May training together, there are countries/people who are repeatedly asking me to reconsider venue even at this late stage!

    Cesar Balota


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