Many years ago, a mentor of mine told me something very profound. I asked him what it was that...
Brenda’s Blog
Executive Challenge #9: “I’m generally a positive person, but it’s easy to turn negative in this economy. How do I avoid that?”
Most senior leaders use negative language on the job without even realizing it. It may come from...
Need Employment Insurance? Master Your Personal Brand
In today’s topsy-turvy marketplace, job security may seem like a pipe dream. In the midst of...
Personal Branding — It’s Not What You Think
When you hear the words personal branding, do you think, “That's for people who are into how they...
Personal Branding Myth #1: “Personal Branding Is All About Self-Promotion.”
This couldn't be further from the truth! True personal branding is not superficial. It's more...
Executive Challenge #8: “I feel guilty saying ‘no.’”
As a busy exec, you're constantly pulled in many directions. Headquarters wants your profit...
Executive Challenge #7: I know I’m not delegating as much as I probably should, but…”
What are the biggest challenges facing successful business people today? In my work as a certified...
Executive Challenge #6: “I Really Need to Get More Organized.”
What are the biggest challenges facing successful business people today? In my work as a certified...
Personal Branding Myth #2: “Personal Branding Is All About How You Look and Dress”
Let's say you pick up a box of cookies at a supermarket because the packaging catches your eye....
Executive Challenge #5: “There Just Aren’t Enough Hours in the Day to Get Everything Done.”
What are the biggest challenges facing successful business people today? In my work as a certified...