I am fascinated by just how easily most of us dismiss the power of thoughts. How, more often than...
Brenda’s Blog
Seven Ways to Make Sure Your Vision for the Future Becomes Reality
One of the key ways to get from where you are to where you want to be is to be crystal clear on...
Executive Challenge #12: “It’s lonely at the top — who can I turn to for an objective perspective?”
It's just the sheer nature of the beast. At your level, everyone you turn to for advice has a...
The Top Ten Secrets to Mastering Your Personal Brand
What do Sir Richard Branson, Barack Obama, and Suze Orman all have in common? They have each built...
Executive Challenge #11: “I Get No ‘Real’ Holiday Time Because I’m Always In Contact With the Office.”
In this article, I want to address the issue of executives and their planned holidays that simply...
Executive Challenge #10: “At my level, I rarely get honest feedback, so how do I know what I need to improve?”
Many years ago, a mentor of mine told me something very profound. I asked him what it was that...
Executive Challenge #9: “I’m generally a positive person, but it’s easy to turn negative in this economy. How do I avoid that?”
Most senior leaders use negative language on the job without even realizing it. It may come from...
Need Employment Insurance? Master Your Personal Brand
In today’s topsy-turvy marketplace, job security may seem like a pipe dream. In the midst of...
Personal Branding — It’s Not What You Think
When you hear the words personal branding, do you think, “That's for people who are into how they...
Personal Branding Myth #1: “Personal Branding Is All About Self-Promotion.”
This couldn't be further from the truth! True personal branding is not superficial. It's more...