What would you say is the most critical success factor for business growth in your company? If...
Brenda’s Blog
The Top 10 Reasons Why Leaders Should Celebrate Wins (hint: It Gives Your Leadership Personal Brand a Boost!)
When your team experiences a success, what do you do? Do you brush over these wins, automatically...
Personal Branding Myth #4: “Personal Branding Is ‘All About Me.’”
Do you think personal branding is all about you? If so, think again! The truth is that a...
Would YOU Want to Work for YOU™?
Four Tips to Help You See Your Leadership Personal Brand Through the Eyes of Others. The Starbucks...
The Top Five Behaviors That Can Damage Your Leadership Personal Brand
All you have to do is look around you to know that brands are powerful. In fact, most people are...
Nelson Mandela’s Leadership Personal Branding Principles
Recently, I ran across a 2008 interview with Nelson Mandela regarding leadership that I really...
The Power of Personal Branding: How to Improve Your Company’s Bottom Line
Let’s face it: There are never enough hours in the day to get everything done – especially when...
Traveling Around the World With Your Personal Brand in Tow
Can anybody deny the world has gotten much smaller over the years? In fact, these days, working...
Customers Do’s and Don’ts
Here are a few “Do’s and Don’ts” to follow as you learn to craft and master your own...
How Adaptable Are You as a Leader?
As a leader, it’s easy to believe that others need to respond to your needs. But the most...